"He's fucking awesome. I love him."
Creating any kind of art is hard. Really hard. The emotional labor is often harder than the physical labor.
Here are some comments I overheard while hanging on the patio after a long week drinking some beers with the greatest group of people I have ever worked with. I admire, respect and love them more than they may ever know.
"He totally knows what he's doing but I'm glad he's leaving because he's bad for morale."
"I only care about making us the best we can be. Anyone without that kind of determination doesn't belong here."
"Yeah, you know, I haven't had an easy life. So? Who has?"
"He's fucking awesome. I love him."
"He's passionate and works his ass off. He's total Flying Dog."
"I just want to make people happy with the greatest fucking beer."
"We all want to be respected around here. Those who aren't need to stop looking around for someone to blame."
"I'm glad you had the balls to do that. It was the right thing to do." This comment was directed to me. I'd like to have it on my tombstone.
"I love you R. Love you, L. See ya."
Artists all.