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Mar 2 2012

"Daydream Believer"

The Englishman Davy Jones, star of the 60's band The Monkees, died on February 29th. The Monkees had many big pop rock and psychedelic pop hits. One of them was "Daydream Believer", which I like a lot. It's also one of Johnny Depp's favorite songs.

The alarm on my BlackBerry plays one of four different songs when it goes off in the morning. Daydream Believer is one of them.

Thanks for the music, Mr. Jones!


Jim Caruso

The other three songs? The theme from Chariots of Fire by Vangelis; Gonna Fly Now (the theme from the original Rocky movie) by Bill Conti; and What A Wonderful World by the great "Satchmo" (Louis Armstrong). Yeah, it's totally old school, I know. But hey, it works for me!